About Us

At Newbury we believe riding, training and showing should be pleasurable and enriching experiences for both horse and rider. We strive to foster an environment based on open communication that promotes teamwork, learning and an unwavering pursuit of excellence. Whether you want to go to indoors or start a green hunter we will work with you to identify attainable goals and provide a formula by which you will successfully achieve them.

Cory Hardy

Cory has been involved with horses for over twenty years. Cory is a Massachusetts licensed riding instructor and holds a BS in Journalism from Boston University. He trains students for the hunter, jumper, and equitation rings. His students have earned top finishes at both regional and national finals, as well as wins in the Grand Prix ring. In recent years Cory has won several Regional Hunter Derbies and earned top finishes in the Professional Hunter Divisions at such shows as WEF, Lake Placid, The Hampton Classic, and Indoors while also enjoying success in the Grand Prix ring.  He has also trained horses and riders to earn tri-colors at Harrisburg, Washington, The National, and WEF circuit championships.